A month of studying abroad (minus the studying)

So, it's official... I've fallen out of my blogging kick. I've been so, so incredibly busy... and I'm not just saying that! Since my last post, I've had about a million papers I've had to write, a few quizzes,  4 final exams, and a bunch of other crazy stuff that has been a lot more … Continue reading A month of studying abroad (minus the studying)

Paris in two days: Day One

Wow, guys... I'm really falling behind on this whole blog thing. I've been so busy since my trip to Romania with my design project, projects, papers and tests for my other classes. Pretty much all my free time during the past two weeks has been spent either eating food or socializing. I've hardly had any … Continue reading Paris in two days: Day One

The Netherlands: Day Six

And here we are... the last day of my study tour... it's really been an adventure! Today I experienced a few "firsts", which I guess should be expected when you're traveling. I guess I didn't have the highest expectations for the final day of my study tour, but today was pretty exciting! The first of … Continue reading The Netherlands: Day Six

The Netherlands: Day Three

I'd like to say that I've been busy the past two days doing all sorts of things that would keep me from writing this post, but in truth, I've mainly been chilling out and enjoying myself back in Copenhagen. It's been nice... I've been doing yoga, cooking some soup, wandering around fancy department stores and … Continue reading The Netherlands: Day Three

The Netherlands: Day Two

Monday was a super touristy day, but I'm really not complaining. To be honest, I LOVE being in a tour group every once in a while. I'm not a fan of being taken to all the worst tourist traps that cater to gullible Americans, but I'm a big fan of not having to stress about … Continue reading The Netherlands: Day Two

A Designer’s Guide to Western Denmark

This week, I learned that there is so much more to Denmark than Copenhagen. I traveled far and wide (sort of) and gathered so much inspiration along the way! All DIS students are required to embark on a 3-4 day short study tour with their core course during the beginning of their semester. The Graphic … Continue reading A Designer’s Guide to Western Denmark