A month of studying abroad (minus the studying)

So, it's official... I've fallen out of my blogging kick. I've been so, so incredibly busy... and I'm not just saying that! Since my last post, I've had about a million papers I've had to write, a few quizzes,  4 final exams, and a bunch of other crazy stuff that has been a lot more … Continue reading A month of studying abroad (minus the studying)

Across the Forest- Romania Part 1

So remember in my last Netherlands post when I said I would never do a multiple-part blog series again? Well, I lied. A little while ago I returned from my last travel adventure and just now have gotten the time to write about it. So I don't keep you all waiting (and have a bunch … Continue reading Across the Forest- Romania Part 1

“Halloweekend” in Denmark

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I've always loved dressing up, watching scary movies and dancing to classic Halloween pop-hits at every chance I get. I love all of the spooky decorations, the abundance of candy corn and the crisp Fall weather that should really last longer in California than it actually … Continue reading “Halloweekend” in Denmark

The Netherlands: Day Two

Monday was a super touristy day, but I'm really not complaining. To be honest, I LOVE being in a tour group every once in a while. I'm not a fan of being taken to all the worst tourist traps that cater to gullible Americans, but I'm a big fan of not having to stress about … Continue reading The Netherlands: Day Two

The Netherlands: Day One

As I begin this post, it's 10:00 on a Tuesday night and I'm exhausted. The past three days have been jam-packed with so much activity, I'm not exaggerating when I say that I haven't taken a real break until now. As I'm lying alone in my hotel room, exhausted and ready to crash, I've come … Continue reading The Netherlands: Day One

A truly tasty weekend

This past weekend was filled with food of all kinds. It was such a glorious time. In the span of 48 hours, I consumed more delicious dishes than I think I've ever done before. I ate a few healthy things, but there were also plenty of delicious carbs involved. My taste buds and my foodstagram … Continue reading A truly tasty weekend

Ondsdag is the Best Day… PART 2

I could really get used to not having to go to class on Wednesdays. It's really great having a little mini-weekend in between your other classes. Maybe I'll attempt to recreate this when I get back to the states. Since last "Ondsdag" was so awesome, I decided to go out and explore some more this week! … Continue reading Ondsdag is the Best Day… PART 2

A Designer’s Guide to Western Denmark

This week, I learned that there is so much more to Denmark than Copenhagen. I traveled far and wide (sort of) and gathered so much inspiration along the way! All DIS students are required to embark on a 3-4 day short study tour with their core course during the beginning of their semester. The Graphic … Continue reading A Designer’s Guide to Western Denmark

Ondsdag is the Best Day

Today was a great day! While I do admit, I'd like to start branching away from the inner city area of Copenhagen (where I live) because it's pretty much swarming with tourists and everything is super overpriced, I was able to cross 3 things off of my bucket list today, without having to stray too … Continue reading Ondsdag is the Best Day

Four hours in Helsingør

Determined to expand my horizons and explore a little bit out of Copenhagen, three other friends and I took a train to the port city of Helsingør (Elsinore in English) yesterday. I'm not the biggest Shakespeare fan (sorry, high school English teachers) but if I had to choose one of his plays that I enjoyed the … Continue reading Four hours in Helsingør

Art is Everywhere

I'm a designer at heart. Sure, my artwork doesn't always turn out the way I'd intended it to be, and a lot of the times, I struggle to create something unique, due to lack of inspiration, lack of sleep, or lack of time. All designers run into these sorts of problems of course, and though … Continue reading Art is Everywhere

Ice cream, Rye Bread and Danish movies

I admit, when I first started up this whole blog thing, I really didn't expect to follow through with it. The thing is, I come up with creative ideas for things like this all of the time (I mean, a blog isn't all that creative, but it's something I have to commit to). The problem … Continue reading Ice cream, Rye Bread and Danish movies